Key factors for business success

Do you have a clear idea of what your vision for your business is?

Oftentimes and especially as a business starts growing, it can be difficult to hold onto its long-term strategy and vision when making decisions about what to do with various business initiatives.

Sure, a business might be seeing revenue, additional exposure, and unprecedented rates of growth, but it is still important to check in with oneself once in a while and think about questions such as:

Are my business activities currently consistent with my vision, mission and values?

Think about every step of your business process. Is every interaction with the customer intentionally planned, thought out and understood? Are your business use cases clearly defined? Do you have a clear understanding of your market position and segmentations that you are targeting? Are you able to achieve business flow through clear purpose in high-level execution?

Are there any activities in our business that you’re currently doing that are unnecessary because they don’t actually push your vision and strategy forward?

For example, sometimes a business may overextend itself with too many different initiatives and program areas and lose focus of what their core value proposition is; in those situations, it is critical to reflect on the totality of your business and then make adjustments if needed.

Do you have mechanisms in place where you can get honest feedback from people outside of yourself about what your business is doing?

Sometimes it can be hard to self reflect or to criticize things that you are doing in business, and it can be tempting to surround yourself with people that will tell you that you’re doing a good job and that everything is awesome. It is critical to have people that will tell you the brutal, honest truth even if they think it might hurt you or make you feel sad. Only by having the strength to hear criticism and feedback can you grow to be the best version of yourself in business.

How are you communicating this progress to your relevant stakeholders?

Do you have established awareness and procedures around communication frequency for clients, team members, vendors and other parties relevant to completion of a given project? Ensuring smooth exchange of information and processing of project data meaningfully through all channels of communication is critical for the project manager and team.

These key success factors in business concepts are further exemplified in the following graphic:

Figure 1 - Easie Key factors for business success

Figure 1 - Easie Key factors for business success

I encourage you to use this article as a checklist to get a gauge on exactly where your business is. Think about whether you are existing as or moving towards the best possible version of yourself and your business. Be honest with yourself.

Easie can help you scale smoothly while keeping your vision intact.

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