Recurring projects
Have you ever just wanted to
"set it and forget it" with a project?
We understand.
When scheduling meetings, appointments, etc. on our calendars, we have the clear option to recur:
Easie lets you set projects to recur in the frequency you specify
A powerful human-project automation feature, recurring projects make it easier for you to focus on your priorities. From basic to highly specialized, here are some examples of recurring projects:
Send a pizza to my office every Thursday at 12:30pm for the next eight weeks.
Check my email every Monday.
Send three contractors to help with my landscaping project for the next three Wednesdays.
Pick up lab samples at my lab at 2:30pm every Tuesday for the next four weeks.
We also will suggest automations to make your processes more efficient when we see them so it is truly a plug and play experience. Talk to us about recurring project solutions for your business.